12 May 2005

It's a BOY!


Yes, I wanted a girl. Yes, I will love having another boy... once the idea settles. No, I'm not being ridiculous. Yes, it sounds very selfish to even show any glimmer of disappointment when my child appears healthy and normal by every standard they have to check at this point. Yes, it leaves me with an empty feeling, a feeling I will get over, a feeling that is probably normal.

I have always dreamed of having a girl. Not to dress her up all foofy and play dolls with. (I'm far from the foofy type) But to share being a woman with, to watch her grow, experience life, and perhaps nurture her own child. I realize I can achieve most of those goals with my boys, but it's really not the same. Which leaves me sad, and empty.

No, we won't be having any more children, I feel very lucky we were able to have the two we're having. Age is kicking in and more children just isn't in the picture for us. (besides, it'd probably be another boy--a joke, really) I feel I lost my girls with my miscarriages. This is not a fact, just a feeling.

Similar to the feeling I had when I found out I was pregnant, I felt it was a boy. I was right.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Peanutt said...

Awww another boy! I'm sorry that it won't be the girl you hoped for, but I know you'll be happy all the same. Being Supermom of 2 boys, I can tell you that having two boys is definitely an adventure! Would like to have a girl, not sure if thats in my cards or not...don't know if I could handle a girl! LOL.
I wish you well in your pregnancy! Hugz~


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