11 April 2005

Catching up.

We just spent the weekend with R's family. His Mother has a timeshare (traded) in Daytona Beach this week, so the close family all gathered there this weekend. All the kids had a chance to frolic in the pool and beach. It was really a great time. It is always a trip to watch the three kids together, the group dynamics just cracks me up! Katie (5 ¼) is the mother hen, she'll corral the boys, guiding them into whatever task she has planned. Mark (3 ½) was defiant this weekend, kicking and punching Tide, running from the family on the beach, and not wanting to share... at all. Tide (2 ¾) observed and followed. He ended up sleeping with Grandma and her man, which produced a sleeping child until roughly 8:30 am! I kept making sure he was breathing... after all we are usually lucky with our 6:30 wake up.

So, while we were gallivanting north for the weekend, we bombed the house with a flea bomb, six of them to be precise. Last night I found one (just one) on Tide, but we really haven't seen any since. I hope this does it, we've already treated everything, and our attempts last weekend ended with the same infestation only days later. We've already nixed the dogs from entering the main living area of the house. (meaning they still meander into my parts room and office) So, please work.

R is picking up Tide tonight and heading out to shop for my B-Day. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he says it is. I don't have a clue what I want or need, which will make whatever he decides interesting to say the least. He said he wanted to take Tide, since he can help pick out the gifts. Should be fun, right?

I went to JCPenny Saturday morning to take advantage of a huge sale they were having and pick up a few maternity things... they down-sized their Maternity section in the store to two, YES TWO, racks. One had sweaters, the other skimpy stringy tank tops. (which do not flatter my wide load) Needless to say, I'll have to shop online for my maternity clothes. Something that I am scared of since I do not trust even one size chart ever made. Not one. Oh, the joy of being BIG, with the task of getting BIGGER. (and trying to find something to cover the bigger so the general public doesn't start to protest or burn me at the stake)

We finally had one of our big customers pay his tab (the only one I bill monthly), so I can pay our loan this month! Yeh! Now to find out if our accountant deferred our taxes or am I supposed to shit out some more money before the end of the week... I will call him in the morning.

I'm definitely feeling more pregnant every day. I feel movements, very slight, but consistent. My belly roll is now hard instead of my usual squishy belly roll. I need to go to the bathroom all the time and my heart burn has returned. Yummy.

Now to make it through my B-day without wanting to mutilate anyone, I'll be golden.


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