23 March 2005

Ladybug, Puppies and Pregnancy

Yesterday morning, Tide was running around the house in his usual morning fervor. I'm trying to brush my teeth and clean the toilet with my toes or some other ridiculous combination. I hear Tide come running... "Mommy Mommy come EAR".... "Mommy Mommy it's a bug!" ... "What kind of Bug Tide?" I asked, not really wanting to know. "It's a ladybug!" Tide exclaims, as he's grabbing my arm trying (yeah right) to drag me towards the kitchen. I'm game, so let him. "Where is it?" I ask. "Right TH-ear" as Tide points toward the base of the refrigerator. "See Mommy? A Lady bug!" I say, "No Tide, that's really NOT a Ladybug... that's a cockroach!" I grab a newspaper to do the ceremonial squish... I realize after whack one, when the thing didn't move, that it had already kicked the bucket. "Did you kill the bug Tide?" I asked, surprised since the thing really wasn't there minutes before when I was last in the kitchen, so it must have crawled there. "I killed it with my SWORD!" proudly states my dear two year old cockroach slayer. (yes, he does have a plastic sword... so does R and they do joust on a daily basis)

Tide woke up screaming bloody murder this morning. There is nothing wrong with him, he just wants either something to drink (which he really doesn't need) or to get up an hour or two earlier than we want to. So, We've been working on trying to get him to re-settle on his own and let us sleep until the normal wake up time. Tide has two baby gund blue puppies he got when he was born. (a customer who understood the meaning of a favorite lost toy, bought two, so we could hide one and bring it out when the other was misplaced. Well, it didn't take Tide long to realize he had two of these lovely puppies. So now he wants not just his one puppy, he wants his TWO puppies.) Well, when he starts this crying wailing in the morning routine, it is so fake it really makes you want to laugh. I mean the actor in the making. So, we've been trying various things to get him to stop and go back to sleep. One being the threat. I'll take your puppies. Of course he doesn't want that, because that would just be a tragedy wouldn't it? Well, this morning ended our crying session with taking his one puppy, his big puppy, two tigers and a stuffed manatee out of his crib. He stopped crying, we slept until the alarm sounded and our day began.

So I'm feeling like warmed over shit lately. I hate to whine about this, but I just don't remember feeling this way when I was pregnant with Tide. Yesterday and today I've had this painful aching in my upper abdomen and lower rib cage. So bad it's made me nauseous. I have lost my appetite. Especially for any of my previously favorite foods. I'm not big enough for maternity clothes, but all my other clothes are too tight. I bought a pair of shorts a size too big and they make me look like an elephant. I'm getting a steady flow of headaches on a daily basis. The end of my tongue feels like someone is inserting razor blades into it trying to see just how many can go there before I scream. (I don't remember doing anything to my tongue, I don't think I bit it, or burnt it) Of course, my memory is completely shot. Which is making my business skills a bit less than is desired. In fact I was casually mailing out our corporate income tax forms today and noticed the due date of MARCH 15th. Fuck me. What does that mean to the IRS? I am beyond exhausted right now. I feel as if I could sleep for days without getting up and still be tired. And lastly, my hands and feet are already starting to swell, something that didn't start until 18 weeks with Tide. Lovely.


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