15 March 2005

Today's plan

Since this is my "Day off at Work", I initially dreamed of a sit-back-relaxing-no-customer-no-hassle-day. This is not the case, not to anyone's immediate surprise. It's been busy. Good in the sense that we NEED the work, Bad in the sense that selfish me wanted a relaxing day.

I had to get up early to get Tide ready for Daycare. He was throwing a fit because Daddy went fishing without him. We've been taking him offshore since he was 4 months old. He seems to love it out there. I'm not sure if he enjoys the fishing as much as how relaxed Mommy and Daddy are when they are 30 miles away from land, people, reality.

My good news this morning at Daycare was that they found an almost full pack of diapers I had brought for Tide and they had misplaced. (Since his name is written on every single diaper, it would be hard to pass them off as just anybodies.) Which made me feel better, since I LOST a new pack of diapers last week when I was leaving Wa11-Mart. Hard to do, eh? Try being pregnant, (not physically debilitating yet, but seriously hormonally debilitating), pushing a full cart (including the 50lb bag of dog food), into the pouring rain. Only to notice about half way through your throwing all your valuable groceries into your vehicle that the diapers are missing! I had laid them on the bottom of the cart perched on the dog food. Apparently they had slipped off their home and became parking lot bait. I tossed the rest into the vehicle and heading back through the parking lot. I scoured my path, nothing, I questioned the clerk who checked me out, nothing. I even waiting in the customer service line to ask the child behind the counter, (who just called the customer in front of me "stupid"- professionalism at it's best), if anyone had turned in a package of diapers. Nothing. I stomped back to the vehicle, looking under cars and trucks along the way. I unlock the door and proceeded to slam it as hard as I could without actually breaking the glass... then I cried. I wailed. I was a slobbering fool. Over a $15 package of diapers. I was a wreck. Finally after a few minutes, I managed to collect myself enough to drive. So, I drove, beating myself up all the way home. I guess it really wasn't the end of the world, I had just spent a long shopping session scrutinizing every purchase to make our money stretch, only to virtually throw away $15.

R, who normally can not deal with my crying at all, was surprisingly okay with my news. (he can always tell when I cry since my eyes turn a fluorescent green) He shrugged it off and put a positive spin on it thinking that maybe it went to a family much more in need than us. Okay, that'll work.

So, back to my plan... I called R's sister DL to come in and watch the shop for the last 15 minutes today so I could make it to pick up Tide before 6pm. At 6:01, you owe an additional $5, at 6:05 start tacking on a dollar a minute that you're late. SO, that said, I'll get Tide and bring him over to visit Granny. We haven't had time to stop by since she had her last surgery. Since R is not going to be home from fishing, I thought it would be a perfect time to stop and say "Hi".


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