01 April 2005

Time to write.

I'm having problems getting time to write. I have the time, just not time when R isn't able to walk in on me at any given moment. I don't think he'd care. (I hope) He just laughs at me when I'm reading blogs online or various pregnancy sites/message boards. So, It's hard for me to write without him finding out. I'm sure he eventually will and we'll hit that bump when it happens. Until then I'll take my opportunities as they come. Todays chance is due to a water test that is not going well. R just came stomping through pissed that what he thought was the problem, isn't. (it's a very difficult problem to trace... it only acts up at wide-open-throttle.) So, he's out on the water for a while.

Tide announced, after R asking him what day it was, that "Today is Friday!" At that nice surprise, R asked what day tomorrow is, Tide, smiling broadly, "Saturday!" Yeah! Go Tide Go!

I found a red plastic twin size race car bed in the newspaper, so R and I went on Wednesday night, bartered and bought Tide his first big boy bed. The hood opens for storage and the spoiler at the head of the bed is shelves for books, light, etc. We're going to battle our flea problem this weekend. (first time I've had to fight fleas since moving to Florida... good god they multiply quickly and are impossible to terminate!) We're treating our three small carpet nests, leaving home, returning with a rented shampooer and cleaning all three rooms. Once that is done, we'll move Tide's new bed into his new room, (formerly R's den), rearrange and set up his old room as the nursery/play room. We've treated the dogs, R went to treat the yard yesterday and we realized the hurricanes destroyed our spreader thing, so we still need to get the yard done too. It'll be a busy weekend. We need to shop for a mattress set and bedding for Tide, grocery shop (on a weekend, something I always do in the middle of the week after work), and search the thrift stores for two bedroom chests. This should be fun. All with Tide and R. The only up side is R usually can entertain Tide during shopping trips, which is very useful. Though it's still hard for all of us to do a day of shopping. Not R's cup of tea. Actually it's not mine either, but I tolerate it better.

I'm still very tired. I can't wait until I get some energy back. I also keep having the strangest dreams. They're all very complicated and involve various women in my life. I've heard it's normal to have strange dreams during pregnancy. I'm trying not to worry about my weight... I just dread the idea of hitting 250... I hope I can avoid that, but whatever happens will happen. I fantasize about getting down to 170 after birth... to fit into normal size clothes... to not get disgusted when I see pictures of myself. If being fat has taught me anything, it's definitely helped me realize that when I was a size 12 I was in no way FAT. So, maybe it's a good thing. Yeah, right.

I had a visit from Mother on Wednesday, she was dropping off Tide's Easter basket and one for R and I. She apparently didn't understand or hear me when I told her to call first and I could keep Tide late a morning so she could give him his basket. Whatever. My Aunt Pat thinks that my Mother probably thinks she's doing the Grandmother thing right. You know, she did give the kid a basket! So, what the fuck do I want from her! She also looks worse... pale, yellowed, and even more swollen. I can't mention her going to a Doctor or anything like that without her getting hysterical. (mostly about money) Get a fucking job then. There is nothing wrong with her where she wouldn't be able to work. She claims people won't hire her because of her age. Which is pure bullshit, Florida is the state of old farts! I see people 20 years older than her working! So, I don't say a word, I just let her do whatever she's going to do.

On that note I'm done. This is only bringing me down, and it shouldn't.


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