24 March 2005

Insert evil laugh -- here --

Oh, to be able to properly write out that ghoulish laugh that makes everyone's heads turn...

I finally got away with one! I finally begged, pleaded and tried to bribe Tide's pediatrician into writing his prescription for MORE than he needed. Why? So, I can happily overdose my child of course! No, silly, so I can fuck the system.

After going through two years of NO PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE, in which I ordered some from Canada, paying a THIRD of the price. Or I was crumpled into a ball of hate when I doled out hundreds for some of Tide's needed medications. Seething with every ounce of hate I could muster, wondering if the system would ever have a hope of changing.

My favorite little prescription story is from one of Tide's many hospital stays. The doctor on duty was signing us out, ready to write on her script pad a simple medication I would need to fill immediately. (like must stop on way home with ill child to fill kind of thing) I casually beg her to have it filled in house, since the insurance will cover anything, (within their stated boundaries), that is administered in the hospital and I'd have to pour the money out of the vault if I go to the pharmacy. Can't I just take it home, I plead. Needless to say she was very compassionate, as is our regular pediatrician, and sent out a request for the medication to be filled. I get said medication, go home, nurse boy back to health and all is well.

Kind-of. This was the huge insurance battle of my life. (so far) My insurance company would not cover the hospital we went to. (out of network) I fought tooth and nail and some six months later, I won. Yeah! My point to all this jammering is that I had a lovely itemized bill from the hospital! The one prescription I begged for was marked down for the tune of $83 and change. I had to fill the same prescription after that hospital stay, and had to do it on a Sunday leaving only a rather expensive pharmacy to go to, they charged me $22. (Had I bought it at Wa11mart, which I find the more affordable place here, it would have been $14.)

A perfect example of how seriously fucked up the health system is. A Doctor will charge $400 for a visit and the Insurance company will pay them $60. Where if you aren't so lucky and have no insurance you get to pay $400. Yippee. Seems fair to me, right? It's just wrong, so very wrong.

So, needless to say, I won! I picked up Tide's meds last night to find Dr. L had called in a script for double his dose, thus splitting my co-pay in half! Heh, heh, heh.


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