05 April 2005

"I'm a BOY! Not a BABY!"

Yes, he's a boy, not a baby. Tide spent his first night in his own room, in a big boy bed.

Race Car

This is sad and exciting. He really is very excited about his bed and his room! Of course, I really am very sad that my boy is leaving the need of being in the crib. (the need of R and I to take him in and out of the crib) He's confused and asks about his crib, but then injects that he has a big boy bed.

Yes, Tide you do. You've grown up a lot and are now moving onto the next level of boy-hood. You are not scared to be alone in your own room, for that I am so proud of you. I'm shocked when you don't want me to lay you down and tuck you in, you prefer to climb into your bed by yourself and pull your own blankets on. You tell daddy to "Go!", when you think he's going to make you get out of your bed. You tell me "No, Mommy", when I try to put Snoopy next to you the way you used to like. You are so independent now. As hard as it is to carry you, I melt every time you want "Up!", and gently rest your head on my shoulder. I rest mine on yours and embrace the time for what it is. I see moments like these fading daily as you begin exploring the other things life is presenting to you.


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