15 April 2005

Lost time and sleep

It has been a hectic week for us, our business is starting to pick up, (that time of year), and Tide and I are fighting a chest cold. I slept maybe 2 hours last night, in my chair, since laying down resulted in severe coughing episodes. I called my OB yesterday to find out what I may be allowed to take, so went to the store last night and bought some Tylenol cold. Which is supposed to help with coughing, pain, and congestion. It didn't help at all. Tide ended up waking up around 2am, wanting something to drink. R tried to talk him into letting Daddy fill his cup, but he wanted Mommy. He came into the living room where I was. I promised him Daddy could get him something to drink, so he let R do it, then crawled up onto my lap and snuggled in. I could hear him wheezing with every breath, but I was too beat to get up and get a breathing treatment ready. We did lay there for a while, until I was able to talk him into going back to his bed. As much as I love having him snuggle, I prefer to have all of us sleeping.

Tide acted a little better this morning, so I gave him his treatment and brought him to Daycare. Sadly, I feel like I should have kept him home, but I just have no energy to deal with the business and Tide.

I do want to post this fun picture of Tide from last weekend. He is my beach boy!

frisbee 2


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