08 September 2005

Sick Report, Business and Breasts

So, the prognosis is/was that I have been fighting Bronchitis. R and Tide have been fighting a summer flu. Tide has been down with a high fever and all since Sunday night. It's so sad a pathetic to see him sick. Luckily it doesn't seem to be flaring up his asthma which will be awesome if he makes it through this bug without that happening. Our Labor Day weekend was spent sick doing nothing. We had hoped to be better by Tuesday, but that hasn't happened. I feel a lot better and can sleep on a bed now, however Tide keeps us up hours every night. R is still fighting it, he is still getting some fevers, aches, etc. Tide is still right in the middle of his illness. Sigh. I hope we're all better soon.

The economic impact of last years hurricanes, the devastating Katrina and the sudden rise in gas prices is taking a toll on our Business. Since last year, our Business has slowed, months that were normally boom times were slow and the normal slow times dismal. However, the increase in fuel will lead to an even larger decline in our Business flow. (for those who don't know we're in the Marine Business) It's is simply a fact that people's toys are the first to be set aside in times of need. So, as I watch the list of customers become smaller and smaller, I just hope that we're one of the few that can keep going.

Yes, and we did get our proposed property taxes in. We're looking at another $1500 if they don't approve the proposed increases and an additional $2400 if they do. This is after a $3000 increase last year.

Breastfeeding... I breast fed Tide for three weeks after his birth. A lot of issues led to my stopping. It was not an easy decision, but one that I feel worked out fine for our family. I have read and do know the immense benefits of Breast milk vs. Formula. One argument for breast feeding is how it helps build the infants immune system. I believe it does for the first six weeks, until the infants' system is fully producing on it's own. That said, Tide had his first major illness at four months. He contracted the RSV virus and ended up with pneumonia. He spent time in and out of the hospital. He was diagnosed with infant or childhood asthma. His Dr. is convinced he will out grow it, which I have seen a dramatic improvement the older he gets. Asthma is an allergy, and R's family (all of them) have very bad allergies. I guess my point is, I don't think my breastfeeding or not had anything to do with how Tide has been with the various illnesses we've fought over these last three years.

During Tide's Dr. appointment on Tuesday, I told his pediatrician how scared these flus/colds have me concerning the baby that I should be cradling in my arms within a month. When Tide was little we really did what we could to keep him away from the public germ factory. This child will be brought into a house that isn't as well protected. Tide goes to daycare, he brings home a lot of bugs from school. She told me just to do what I could to isolate the baby from whomever is sick in the family if that becomes an issue. She was sympathetic since she just had her third child in December, and was dealing with a similar situation in her house.

Needless to say I mentioned this fear to my very close friend and Aunt in a letter yesterday. She replied with a scathing slam against my not breastfeeding Tide. Saying that he is proof that breastfeeding is far superior. She was utterly blown away that our pediatrician wouldn't advocate breastfeeding as a solution to my fears. First of all, my pediatrician DOES highly recommend breastfeeding. Secondly, I haven't said I wasn't going to try and breastfeed this baby. Thirdly, I really don't look at Tide as a prime example of how much better breastfeeding is. I was hurt by her comments.

I've always had a lagging guilt that we didn't try harder to make it work for Tide and I. I also have a huge burden of guilt that I don't think it'll work for the new baby either. I know a lot of formula fed babies that do not get sick, that do not have asthma, and grow up healthy.

Just something else to throw on my plate... I know I didn't have enough to worry about.


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