01 September 2005

Sick, but more tired.

I have no right to complain about my life as I see thousands and thousands of peoples lives destroyed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Even after shouldering the affects of three hurricanes last year, I can't even imagine what they are going through. I can say that living without power and your basic necessities does something to people. It goes to your core, it changes you. At least here if you were out of power you still had the ability to go to a near by town and get supplies, a few minutes in a stores air conditioning, even a shower if you were thinking on your toes. FEMA and the Red Cross were able to set up stations close enough for people to access their help. The people who are suffering now can't even get to the help and the help can't get to them. It's just horrible ... A tragedy.

I couldn't even touch on my life here without at least mentioning the devastation along the Gulf Coast. I keep reminding myself that we are lucky, that the things making life hard on me isn't anything in comparison. Perspective is hard sometimes, but easily obtained now.

Yes, I am sick, I have been all week. Another head and chest cold with the added bonus of a dry hacking, oxygen depriving cough that wrenches my entire body. I'm not sleeping since sleeping usually entails laying down, which sends me directly into one of the above described coughing spells. My breathing after an episode can be compared to labor, it takes me a while with my short breathing, in, out, in, out, in, out, before my head stops spinning and my face doesn't feel drained of blood. Sounds like fun doesn't it? I think I'll apply to become the professional sick pregnant woman just to show everyone how it should be done. What I would give for a handful, bottle full of every possible cold medication out there. Instead I get to have Tylenol. Thank you. Yes, I have heard some Robotussins are kosher too, but not for this chick, they make me vomit. So, I try to get through it. R told me to call my Dr. yesterday, I didn't, but will today. I am convinced they'll read off the list of things I can take and tell me to put my feet up. Great.

On the kid front, My due date is getting closer. (THANK YOU!) The child within is measuring big (surprise*... Not) so they'll schedule another ultrasound to see what kind of monster I'm growing in there. All I can say is hopefully a monster that comes out soon. This has been a long nine months. (I know it's TEN months, I have one left!)

*They measured Tide large too, estimating him over 10 pounds, he was just shy of 9 pounds. I'm not petite, so kinda expect a big boy. We'll see what they "estimate" this time.

Tide is cuter by the day and potty trained! Fuck the pull ups! Straight to underwear. Duh. (I do still put him in pull ups at night, though he is probably only wet once a week at night.) YES! That's my boy! Something I had no clue how to do, just kinda fell into place. I'm just so happy these kids figure it out on their own, because I really suck at trying to initiate things. So, happy diaper free dance!

R is in bed sick too. He has the chills. Can not get warm! (with a heat index around 105, I find that just not good) So, he's in his sweats under a pile of blankets and I am naked in front of the air conditioning vent. We make such a good couple. So far all I've heard from Tide concerning this thing we have is he did tell me his throat was sore on the way to school this morning. Poor guy.

Last night Tide was in our bed between us. It was his bed time. R asked Tide what time it was. Tide firmly replied, "I'm not a watch."

Yes, I laughed which prompted Tide into a huge victory grin.

We are supposed to have R's sister Dawn and family over this weekend to hang out on the river side. I'm two coughing fits away from calling and telling them to save themselves!


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