28 July 2005


Yes, I'm still alive!

It has been very busy around here. (Business wise and home life)

We are in the process of negotiating on a house a few miles south of here. It belongs to an older couple, they are family friends. We can't afford that size mortgage right now, but if they are willing to lock in the price, allow us to pay on it a while before having to get a mortgage, then we'd be able to swing it. She doesn't want to move out of the home, which giving us the extra time would allow her to stay there longer. (he's almost 90, she's 81) It's all very confusing, but if we can make it work, it would lead us to being able to retire from our business at a very young age.

The house is directly on the water, and worth a lot. The price we offered is fair considering the amount of work it needs. (it needs to be remodeled, plus some other repairs, some roof, etc.) Once we secured it as a home, we'd have more freedom to sell this place, which by that time will be worth enough to pay off their house, remodel it, buy a couple of homes for investment/rentals and put money in the market. We'd both still work, but not as much, and not have to drag the business on our backs day and night. Sigh.

The other thing is that we had bought a large (dream) boat in January that had been hurricane damaged. The fiberglass repair man just finished his work, R needs to reassemble a few things, then the aluminum man gets it to finish the hard top. Once that is done, it'll be completely ready. We had planned on selling our other boat and apply the funds to the loan we have on the dream boat. However, with this house talk, we may have to sell the dream boat, (which would bring in a lot of money even after we pay off the loan), and keep the boat we've been fishing for the last three years. (a fine boat, just not the dream boat) Right now, without knowing how much money they want as a downpayment on the house, we don't know what to do. Of course our current boat is up for sale, with people looking at it, ads out and all. I'd hate to sell this boat and end up having to sell the dream boat too. It all hinges on how much time they're willing to give us and how much money they want down. Ugh!

Tide is doing great, we went through another round of sickness recently, but nothing that set us back too bad. We're working on potty training, which has become a nightmare for me. He just refuses to use the potty. Yet, he can and has. He loves wearing pull-ups, but I'm at the point where I started putting him back in diapers if he's not going to even try to use the potty. Which make him upset, I'm hoping it'll be incentive. Though negotiating with a three year old is near impossible.

My Pregnancy is going well. I'm huge compared to last time, though I haven't gained too much. I am far more uncomfortable this time... bummer. We still haven't come up with a name yet. R is not looking forward to the extra work of a new baby. He admits he'll be fine once our little one is out in the world, just thinking about it is adding stress for him now. Especially when Tide is acting up or sick or getting up in the middle of the night, etc. If I even show any frustration with Tide or anything, R immediately jumps on it saying I'll never be able to handle another one. I swear at times he expects me to be fucking perfect. (I am emotional, quick tempered, but quickly get over it, he doesn't)

Anyway, that's my update. R is out for his guitar lesson tonight, so I thought I'd take the break and get back here for a change.


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