21 June 2005

Vacation? Chaos!

I know, I know, It's been entirely too long since my last irritable post. Heaven forbid I leave this hanging on nice warm fuzzy thoughts. That is not my reality.

We just returned from our annual trip to Marathon for a weeks vacation in what I consider an ocean paradise. It was a beautiful week, and even though it included a total of 13 people, we all managed to get along. No huge fights, resentment or ill feelings. A GOOD week by anyone's definition. We fished a lot, played with kids by the pool, sat and relaxed absorbing the sounds, taste and smell of the ocean. Ah, just beautiful.

Of course we started it by bringing Tide to his Dr. Friday afternoon before we left with a chest cold. With his asthma, it gets bad quickly and with the pending vacation... better safe. His Oxygen level was 95, the hospital cut off (the level his pediatrician won't allow it to go to) is 94. So, after a few doses of meds, they were satisfied that he was responding properly and sent him home with some prescriptions for his normal nebulizer treatments and an oral steroid. So, I ran out and spent our vacation funds on an arm load of meds for my son who isn't big enough to know I never had a prescription until I started birth control at 19.

His cold quickly became controlled with the meds. However, the side effect from him taking steroids in the oral form is he gets a little mean. (yes, a two year old with ROID-RAGE) He was a little off for a few days, but came around by the end of the week. So, like I said, it was a very nice vacation.

We returned Saturday night, spending Sunday unpacking and scrubbing our boat. (a week in the water with fish blood equals a long cleaning session) R was the first one to brave the answering machine. There were 13 messages, and only one was bad. Of course it was bad enough to make it worth it's title. It was from the code enforcement officer, concerning the RV's and house boat on the riverside property. (For anyone who wants to know about the hill billy hotel and it's occupant please check HERE.)

We have a travel trailer we set up on the water side as our escape. It's only across the street, but it's heaven to wake up not staring at your work. R's mother also has on we set up periodically when she or extra guests want to stay in it. We pull them back across the street to keep them in our back yard when we aren't using them. Apparently someone complained to the code enforcement about our trailers and the house boat. And after speaking with the officer on Monday, we are not allowed to have either parked there for any period of time. Meaning our weekend get-away is dead to us, which I have to blame on the 45ft eye sore that is over there all the time. (we've been parking our trailer over there off and on for years, without having any issues.) The house boat needs to be moved, and sooner than that, Deb needs to move out of it, since under any circumstances no one is allowed to live in it at that location. She (the code enforcement officer) also had issue with our chain link fence that we have surrounding the property over there. As of now, she hasn't imposed a deadline to get things moved.

The fence is a minor issue, and I already have proof we are in the right. (no permits needed in 1999 when we installed it) Our trailers are already in our back yard. Now for the house boat. Deb did not buy the trailer for it when we strongly urged her to do so upon purchasing this monstrosity. The only way it can be moved right now is hiring a crane truck and a semi flat bed. A costly venture.

To add a twist to this little story. (mind you we've only just now been home and back to reality for two days) R's mother (Karen) had planned a long time ago to have an intervention with Deb concerning her drinking. Karen even purchased two plane tickets for Deb's sons to fly down and be there for the confrontation. This happened this morning. Of course, Deb said she didn't have a problem, but said she'd stop drinking. I believe that as much as I believe my two year old when he says he didn't poop. (for some reason the kid denies pooping in his diaper.) Anyway, during all this R and I wanted to be left out of the loop. Since Deb was living down our throats, we didn't need any extra hatred pointed in our direction. (I have stories of people (her oldest son's wife) telling Deb she couldn't watch their kids due to being too wasted and Deb turning around and burning their belongings. Sweet woman eh?)

I know this is dragging, sorry...

Needless to say, Karen made a point to tell Deb during their conversation that R and I were not involved. Deb commented back that she should hope not since that would be quite hypocritical of us, especially "A". Excuse me? She thinks I drink too much? Please. So, Just that information was enough to break this camels back. It really upset me. Yes, I'm pregnant and emotional, but I have shoveled enough of this woman's shit.

So, I am preparing myself for the ultimate confrontation. I am going to tell her that not only does she need to move that fucking boat, she needs to find a different place to keep it. No parking it in our back yard where we can't move it and absolutely no parking it on our dock. I am fucking done. I'm not putting up with this person anymore.


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