16 September 2005

Hanging in there

Well, our household is still ill. I really wish I knew why and how we continually get sick here. Tide is much better, all that remains is a lingering runny nose. However R is much worse again. I made an appointment for him yesterday and he went back in this morning for a chest X-Ray. Apparently he has pneumonia. He looks horrible and is miserable.

I woke up this morning not feeling too hot myself. Just feel exhausted, shaky, weak... and I have a badly swollen eye. (it was shut this morning, and the swelling has gone down some, but I didn't do anything to it! No rubbing, no lost eyelash, nothing. Just very sore and very swollen.) Sigh.

I had an appointment with my OB on Wednesday morning. I haven't gained any weight in a month, which is nice. There apparently isn't any discussions of this child making any sort of early appearance. In fact he re-nigged on saying I was measuring big and should have another ultrasound. He said everything seems normal. (see ya next week, chow baby) He didn't even mention doing an internal or anything. Just because I haven't been writhing in pain doesn't mean I don't have any progress! I just hope he does an internal next week. (37w 3d) I would think it might be called for at that point.

Of course, it's not like I'm actually ready for the baby. I mean every ounce of my body wants the baby to be out in the real world, but I really don't have anything done. I need to purchase some bureaus so I have a place to put his clothes, and all of our clothes for that matter. Plus I still need to finish going through the baby boxes, go to the store and pick up the things we don't have. Like diapers! That might help! So, since R is bed bound, I hope to get out and get some of these needed things done this weekend. Which I feel bad about because it's his 40th Birthday tomorrow and we had some nice plans. Sadly he's not well enough to do any of them.

I also want to shovel out this pig sty of a house. I've been postponing it too long. I just feel like if I could get the bureaus, wash all the baby clothes, organize all our clothes and miscellaneous stuff, then I'd have everything put away where I could clean each room and feel good. I just can't seem to start without a place to put all the crap.

So, Tide is still doing pretty well with the potty training. He has had two accidents at school this week. I hope they're just coincidence, and not a sign of some issues. He seems very excited about his baby brother. He was tickling him (my belly) when we were waiting for R's prescription at the pharmacy last night. I asked him to stop tickling my belly and he informed me he was not tickling me, he was tickling his baby brother! Silly Mommy.


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