18 December 2005

"There's no snow Mommy..."

No, There's no snow here. Kinda goes hand and hand with the whole Florida sunshine tropical thing. Somehow Tide has this notion that there must be snow to have Christmas. Something I find really odd since he is and has always been in Florida, and I've never seen any snow since I've been here. (ice frozen on the decks of our boat that we went fishing with, but no snow) So, I assure him it has nothing to do with snow, and everything to do with whether he is GOOD or BAD. (since, tis the season to whine you know...)


Last weekend I let out a bunch of built up shit to R. Everything from how I felt he was being an ass about Christmas shopping when Tide was whiney (tired--no nap, a long story) to him continually saying that I would never be able to handle two kids. (this obviously before I actually gave birth, but was very pregnant.) We had a long talk that I thought was very productive. Like he understood where I was coming from. Lo and behold, what actually came of my heartfelt talk was that he stopped disciplining Tide. He stopped saying no to him. Yes to everything, Yes to the things in the store, yes to the candy, cookies and cake. Yes to climbing up the ladders in the store. I mean stupid shit. All the while saying he didn't want to be viewed as "negative".


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