07 November 2005

Did I mention I can't think straight?

I completely neglected to mention Dorado's one week Birthday was spent hunkered down while Hurricane Wilma blew through. So, in three weeks (today) He has gone through birth, a hurricane, and a five day stay in the hospital. Is it no wonder that I am tired?

What I would give to JUST be waking up to feed and change him... Woman who handle colicky babies are amazing. I'm in awe that they survive. Just the thought gives me goose bumps.


On the business front, we finally took in some boats today. It's still slower then it has been in years, but I hope it'll improve. Especially since I now have to come up with our share of the last Hospital bill... sigh.


I promise to get my birth story done and posted... I also hope to not be so down and start appreciating my gorgeous new boy...


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