16 November 2005

He's on the mend

Today his results are looking better... he does not have the RSV virus. He does have Bronchiolitis. He needs to eat better. (which was improving) He needs to be able to maintain a good oxygen level without the aid of oxygen. (which was not improving) He needs to be less irritable. (which was not improving)

R's mother went up to stay with him for a few hours while R had me doing "important business shit". We haven't paid my hospital deductible from birth. We haven't paid Dorados first stay... and now we have another one. I'm not sure which tree I'll be pruning to come up with the money. Honestly I could care less if we put it all on the credit card and paid it off in another lifetime. I want and need to be next to my baby... and I'm not. R is stressing about the money. He is also worried about Dorado. I know that. He just doesn't have the best way of showing it or dealing with this latest load of stress.

Not that I'm any better...


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