16 November 2005

He's on the mend

Today his results are looking better... he does not have the RSV virus. He does have Bronchiolitis. He needs to eat better. (which was improving) He needs to be able to maintain a good oxygen level without the aid of oxygen. (which was not improving) He needs to be less irritable. (which was not improving)

R's mother went up to stay with him for a few hours while R had me doing "important business shit". We haven't paid my hospital deductible from birth. We haven't paid Dorados first stay... and now we have another one. I'm not sure which tree I'll be pruning to come up with the money. Honestly I could care less if we put it all on the credit card and paid it off in another lifetime. I want and need to be next to my baby... and I'm not. R is stressing about the money. He is also worried about Dorado. I know that. He just doesn't have the best way of showing it or dealing with this latest load of stress.

Not that I'm any better...

Sitting down to cry...

I often wonder why things happen. Why we go through what we do to make it from one day to the next.

Dorado is in the hospital again. He turned 4 weeks old Monday.

He never really came around from his first stay 2 weeks ago. He had this phlegmy sound when he ate that never went away, just got worse... Last week he was spitting up after eating about four times a day. I debated it being an allergy or something. Sunday he was adding a little sneeze and a random cough. Monday I called to ask his nurse some questions, and they wanted to see him. Weighing on the side of caution when dealing with such a little guy. His appointment wasn't good, he had blockage in his chest and a fever. Since I have nebulizer experience they sent me home with medication and made an appointment for the following day. (plus sent us to the lab where a very sweet experienced woman took the needed blood with ease, no poking and prodding to find his vein... thankfully)

Tuesday I brought him to his appointment. It was not an easy night, he was up a lot, up coughing, up in pain, up crying and coughing, up looking into my eyes as he screamed wondering why I couldn't make him comfortable.

He had no fever. His initial test results were negative. He was not eating as he should. He didn't have enough wet diapers. His cough was getting worse. He could not be consoled. His Doctor was on the fence, should he be admitted or not. I stood there as I rocked him, bouncing him slightly trying to lull him into comfort. She left to consult with her partner... I stood there, tears starting to well in my eyes. I was tired, I felt defeated, I couldn't even take care of my own child.

She returned, looking at me and Dorado standing there defenseless... she said she feels it would be best to send us to the hospital. They can monitor him, they can be there should he continue to worsen. She looked at me, asked if I needed a tissue. I didn't know I was crying.

07 November 2005

Did I mention I can't think straight?

I completely neglected to mention Dorado's one week Birthday was spent hunkered down while Hurricane Wilma blew through. So, in three weeks (today) He has gone through birth, a hurricane, and a five day stay in the hospital. Is it no wonder that I am tired?

What I would give to JUST be waking up to feed and change him... Woman who handle colicky babies are amazing. I'm in awe that they survive. Just the thought gives me goose bumps.


On the business front, we finally took in some boats today. It's still slower then it has been in years, but I hope it'll improve. Especially since I now have to come up with our share of the last Hospital bill... sigh.


I promise to get my birth story done and posted... I also hope to not be so down and start appreciating my gorgeous new boy...

06 November 2005

Time Lapse

Dorado Lee was born 6:05 am October 17th. He was 9 lbs 3 oz and 22.5 inches long. I ended up being induced even though my body shared in the progress. I started a whole birth story which I will finish eventually. (since my mind loses these things, I need to document it for later in life) Considering the whole 41 weeks and a day that I was pregnant, the actual delivery went well.

At the same time we were welcoming our new little guy into this world, our business was declining. Fewer boats coming in means less income to pay the many monthly expenses. By Dorado's one week birthday, we were genuinely concerned for our lack of business flow. So, since I had already gone back to work four days after birth, the following week, I started trying to drum up more business. R was panicking ready to start selling off our toys. (a little premature, but not something out of consideration) Not much business came in, but enough to keep us going. I billed for our storage yard which being our gravy, was needed... a hard week back, (like I was even really gone), but at least we weren't in the red.

We looked forward to our first weekend with our completed family. R set up our trailer across the street. (something we try to sneak past code enforcement during the weekends when they don't work) The wind started picking up, (25-30 kts), but we were set in staying away from this house and business. It wasn't a pleasant stay, but it was nice to be away. Dorado started fussing a lot and actually felt hot and a bit lethargic all night Saturday. We got up Sunday, packed up and headed home. I took Dorados temperature when we got back... a fever 100.9. I fed him, waited, triple checked under his arm and anal with three different thermometers... a fever 101.5. I called his pediatrician and the on call doctor told me what I already knew... Go to the ER.

2pm Sunday we were checking in at the ER. They weighed him (10 lbs 2 oz) took his stats, fever... 102.7. and admitted us. While we waited for a room in the Pediatrics floor, they started the testing procedures. Spinal tap, blood work, urine, IV fluids, heart scan, x-rays and antibiotics started. My two week old baby was the human pin cushion. I just stayed numb to it all, just wanting him to be okay.

Somewhere around 7 or 7:30 we finally were brought up stairs into our own room, where we stayed until Thursday. The bottom line is that they never did figure out what was wrong, the tests all were negative, so suspect it to have been a common virus that a two week old baby had no defense system to protect him from it. During our stay were we monitored by the neo natal specialist. He was amazing. So hands on. He would sit holding Dorado, observing him, soothing him... just being there to see what was really going on. The monitors that observed Dorados stats, pissed him off. The nurses would go into panic mode when Dorados oxygen levels would drop, so they would actually start him on oxygen, when in reality Dorado was holding his breath, which made his level drop. Of course if they watched the monitors for a longer period they would be able to see his levels rise on their own... It was frustrating, but really nice to have a doctor using logic as well as technology.

By Wednesday his fever had subsided. They were still waiting for various tests. Thursday morning we were released. The release papers stating his reason for being there as: Fever-unknown source. What we have faced is a very horrible burn/diaper rash that extended on both of his butt cheeks in three inch strips. The pain excruciating as his diarrhea would burn the burn every time he went. (which was all the time) Butt creams did not work, they wouldn't stick. What finally helped relieve his burns... Maalox. His pediatrician told me to try and apply butt cream as I could, but with every diaper change pour some Maalox in his diaper. When he would go again, the antacid would neutralize the stomach acid in his diarrhea. After doing this Thursday Friday and Saturday, today his butt is starting to heal. The other side effects from his stay... a yeast infection on his butt and Thrush. Both brought on by the two different antibiotics they administered to him. So, now with his butt getting better, his mouth is worse and he's not wanting to eat. The only good thing is we have both been able to sleep since his butt healed. Last night we had three different three hour periods of sleep. Heavenly.

I know we are lucky that all in all he is healthy, I can't help but be depressed that I'm watching him go through so much pain so young. I'll be so happy to just wake up for regular feedings instead of the inconsolable pain...